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Install Xmgrace Ubuntu

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Conda install linux-64 v2.12; osx-64 v2.12; To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c uvcdat xmgrace conda install -c uvcdat/label/nightly xmgrace. First of all update your system with the command: Ads. Above command will download the package lists for Ubuntu 16.04 on your system. Download xmgrace packages for openSUSE. OpenSUSE Oss aarch64 Official xmgrace-5.1.25-3.5.aarch64.rpm: A 2D-Plot-Program for Visualisation of Scientific Data.

  1. Xmgrace Download
  2. Xmgrace Mac
  3. Install Xmgrace Ubuntu Windows 10
  4. Install Xmgrace Ubuntu Download
  5. Install Xmgrace Ubuntu 16.04

A 2D-Plot-Program for Visualisation of Scientific Data

Grace is a WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System and M*tif.Grace is a descendant of ACE/gr, also known as Xmgr. It knows a lot ofdifferent graph types and supports a lot of output formats.For examples, see /usr/lib/xmgrace/examples.

  • Version 5.1.25
  • Size 1.76 MB
  • openSUSE Leap 15.2
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openSUSE Leap 15.2



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by the Grace Team

20.05.2008 This document contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Grace, a WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for scientific data. (A German translation of this document, made by Tobias Brinkert, is available here: Grace FAQ.)

Grace is a tool to make two-dimensional plots of numericaldata. It runs under various (if not all) flavours of UNIXwith X11 and M*tif. Its capabilities are roughly similar toGUI-based programs like Sigmaplot or Microcal Origin plusscript-based tools like gnuplot or Genplot. Its strengthlies in the fact that it combines the convenience of agraphical user interface with the power of a scriptinglanguage which enables it to do sophisticated calculationsor perform automated tasks.

Grace is derived from Xmgr (a.k.a. ACE/gr), originallywritten by Paul Turner.

From version number 4.00, the development was taken over bya team of volunteers under the coordination of Evgeny Stambulchik.

When its copyright was changed to GPL, the name was changed to Grace,which stands for ``GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration ofdata' or ``Grace Revamps ACE/gr'. The first version of Graceavailable is named 5.0.0, while the last public version of Xmgr hasthe version number 4.1.2.

Paul still maintains and develops a non-public version ofXmgr for internal use.

You can get the newest information about Grace and downloadthe latest version at the Grace home page.

You can fetch it from a mirror site as well. The list ofmirror sites can be found at

Please refer to the official Grace Home Page. There youcan also find the latest version of this FAQ, links to thelatest release and to mirror sites closer to you.

Apart from the licensing, the main difference is that Grace isWYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). This was achieved through amajor rewrite of all the mid-level drawing routines and the use ofthe device-independent Type 1 font rendering library T1lib fortypesetting.

For help with changing from Xmgr to Grace see section Xmgr to Grace migration guide in theUser's Guide (question User's Guide.

There are currently several features of Xmgr which are not yetimplemented in Grace (of course, alongside with a lot of new stuffnot found in Xmgr). A full compatibility is desirable except for``bad' features of Xmgr.

Among the Xmgr features not (yet) implemented in Grace are:

  • X-Y graph flip
  • Horizontal and vertical lines as symbols
  • Smith plots

When the licensing was changed to GPL, Paul wanted to keepthe name for his non-public version of Xmgr, so we chose anew name.

Yes. Grace is free in terms of the GNU General PublicLicense (GPL) (see the file LICENSE which comes withGrace or the GNU Home Page for details).

The sources of Grace still contain a significant amount of code fromXmgr by Paul Turner. For a list of those who contributed to Gracesince then, see the file CHANGES in the Grace distribution.

Some integral parts of Grace are borrowed from otherpackages, namely libraries which are also availableas stand-alone distributions.In alphabetical order:

Yes. It is written in SGML which means that all the aboveversions can easily be created using sgml-tools (seetheir home page).At the Grace home page(see question Home Page), allthese versions are available.

As of now, Grace is a purely virtual creature living in the net,i.e. there is no printed literature. All relevant docs are currentlybundled with Grace. See questions Home Page and User's Guide for details. You canprint your own copy of the FAQ, the User's Guide and the Tutorial byconverting the DVI files to PostScript output.

Yes. It is part of the Grace distribution and usually islocated in $GRACE_HOME/doc/. There are severalversions: the SGML source and HTML, LaTeX, DVI and PSderived from it. You can read the HTML version from arunning Grace session by clicking on 'Help/UserGuide'. You need a web browser to read the HTML version(see also question Environment Variables). You can always download the newest versionfrom the Grace homepage (see question Home Page).

The User's Guide is not quite complete, yet.

Yes. There are several tutorials which give detailedstep-by-step information how to achieve various tasks. Theyare also part of the Grace distribution. You can find themin $GRACE_HOME/doc/.

There are tutorials about creating a simple plot, batchplotting, fitting curves, transformations (graphical -simple ones, interpolation, feature extraction, using thecommand line), using pipes, overlaying graphs, hot links.

You have the following options:

  • There is a User's Guide (see question User's Guide) which came with Grace on yourcomputer. It is usually located in$GRACE_HOME/doc/ along with other files whichmay contain useful help for your problem. If youdownloaded the sources, there are even more files inthe main directory of the source tree.
  • Have a look at the Grace home page (question Home Page).
  • On the Grace forums (see question Forums for details)you can easily get in contact with users anddevelopers of Grace. However be aware that peoplehere are trying to help in their spare time -so you can't always expect quick responses.

No, there isn't. We feel that a bulletin board (see questionForums) is moreappropriate to discuss the topics related to Grace.

There used to be a few, but now they are replaced withbulletin-board-style forums (see questionForums).

The mailing list archives arestill available for browsing.

Yes. Just follow this link: forums. It has itsown FAQ.


Make sure that what you found really is a bug.


Try to make sure that it is a bug in Grace,and that the failure is not caused by another piece ofsoftware.


Make sure you are running the latest officialrelease of Grace. The development of Grace israther fast, so your bug might already be fixed.


Try to find out if the bug is already known(see question Known Bugs).


OK: You have found a new bug. Usew3todo (question Known Bugs) to report it. Follow the instructions on thepage and try to be as precise as possible. It won't be ofmuch help if you write ``The program crashes.' Try tofind a simple reproducible case. Mention the version ofGrace and where you got the build and the operating systemyou use. You should submit the system info as provided by``uname -a' (if this utility exists, of course) and the outputof ``xmgrace -version'. Often the problem is related tosome specific data set. Please try hard on reducing thisto the minimum which is sufficient of reproducing thebug. If it's only a few lines of data please submitit together with the other details.Once you submit the bug report, it will be automaticallyrelayed to the mailing list. You will usually be notified whenthe bug is fixed or if we need more information, so pleasedon't forget to give your correct e-mail address.

Yes. You can search and browse the database of known bugs inGrace at the bug report facility w3todoor using the 'Help/Comments' menu from withinGrace. The database also keeps track of the status of thebug (Confirmed, Working on, Testing, Fixed, Closed,etc.). This is also the place to submit bug reports andwishes.

Some bugs and fixes may not appear in w3todo, but arecovered on the forums.

The term 'fixed' means the bug is fixed in the current development version, and the next public versionwill have the fix in it. Reports with fixes incorporated in anexisting public version are marked as 'Closed'.

You must have missed something very obvious. Check out how toproperly submit a bug report in this document. Most probably yourreport was incomplete or just redundant to an existing entry. It'sworth checking the log file of the bug report (the 'View log' buttonat the bottom of the report viewing page).

You can submit wishes and suggestions just the way you wouldsubmit bug reports (see question Known Bugs). Suggestions for improvement aregenerally very welcome. It may be possible, however, thatthe developers are busy or that your wish is rejected forsome good reason, so it may be necessary to persuade (betterconvince) them to get at it.

Fine! There are always things to do.

If you are a C programmer, you can almost certainly findsomething useful to do. Just ask on the forums.The same applies if you are a technical writer. The documentationwill certainly need to be updated, corrected or completed.Every small contribution is appreciated!

Make Grace known to your friends and colleagues. The moreusers Grace has, the faster it will be improved.

Prepare diffs against the most recent version. Useeither unified (-u) or context (-c) diff format.Specify exactly against which version the diff issupposed to work.Finally send them tomailto:fnevgeny at weizmann dot ac dot il

In case you plan to help this way more than once you should jointhe forums.

No need to. But if you feel like making a donation,choose any charity organization you like. You wanted to givethem some money, anyway, right? ;-)

You have the choice: either you compile the sources yourselfor you download precompiled binaries (we strongly suggest you takethe first route). You can get both fromthe Grace Home Page. Whether binaries for your platformsare available (see question Binaries)depends on whether one of the developershas access to the respective platform and has had time to doit.

It is always a good idea to read the READMEs that accompanythe downloading packages of Grace.

Yes! Actually, this is the preferred method of installation.After getting the sources (question Installation) and ungzipping and untaringthem (use e.g. gzip -dc grace-5.0.4.tar.gz | tar xvf -),proceed according to the relevant section of theUser's Guide, which covers the compilationprocess.

There are several possible reasons:

  • You have only the run-time part installed (this especiallyconcerns GNU/Linux users). However, you should have therelevant development package (C header files etc) installed, too.E.g., for the JPEG library to be recognized by `configure',bothlibjpeg62 and libjpeg62-develpackages must be installed.
  • The library and the header files don't match each other (they arefrom different versions). This usually happens on large Unixsystems with a less than capable sysadmin...
  • Either the library or the header files can't be found by thecompiler. Use the --with-extra-ldpath and--with-extra-incpath configure options to provide theextra paths, respectively.

Check whether M*tif (question M*tif) is installed on your system. If it is, lookat the file config.log: there is a line like this:

configure:8900: checking for a Motif >= 1002 compatible API

What comes directly after it? Could be a hint. Also, see the previousquestion.

Throughout the Grace docs, saying 'M*tif' we actually refer tothe Motif API, defining a set of functions for buildinggraphical user interfaces (GUI) via numerous widgets(buttons, labels, etc). Grace makes a heavy use of the M*tif API.

There are several implementations of the interface. Theoriginal OSF Motif (see changed its license: on open-source platforms youmay have a chance to use it for free, although it's not in generalqualified as either a FreeSource or OpenSource product.

There is, however, a free replacement for Motif called LessTif (see LessTif is intended to be a 100%source compatible replacement for Motif, but is still underdevelopment. For the purposes of Grace, try using the latest versionof LessTif (at least 0.92.6 and above). The LessTif people usuallyreceive many bug reports from the Grace developers, so you might hopethat a few remaining bugs in LessTif will be fixed rather quickly.

'ar' is the library archiver (the program used to create staticlibraries like libFoo.a). You should have it in your path. UnderSolaris, for example, this can be found in /usr/ccs/bin.

We do not officially support binary packages. When contributed byvolunteers they're put in under the contrib area. Again,these are NOT supported (bug reports like 'I can't install that RPM'will be silently ignored), but feel free using the Grace forumsfor relevant discussions.

Yes, Grace runs on VMS. Just compile it there.


As for Win32 (Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP) and OS/2, there are ports forthese platforms, though they are not 'native', i.e. in order to runthem, one needs an X server for the respective platform.

Both OS/2 and Win32 ports may lack some of the functionality (notably,support for 'direct'/native printing; probably you will have to usethe Postscript output for printing).

A port to OS/2 made by Alexander Mai can be foundat requires the XFree86 libraries and an X Server (e.g. XFree86,Hob X11, Exceed, etc.).

If you get such a message at the linkage stage, telling about.LL794 (or similar) unresolved symbols, try compiling with nativecc compiler instead (./configure --with-cc=cc).

For certain tasks, Grace needs external libraries which areneither provided by Grace nor the operating system. You willneed to install these libraries yourself. This applies toM*tif, PDF (see question Output Devices)and probably other libraries.If the message is exactly Can't find library this happens on GNU/Linux systems ...) then you don't haveM*tif (the Xm libraries) installed (see questionM*tif), or the linker doesn'tknow where it is.In the first case, try downloading LessTif. In the second case,you have to tell your linker where it is (may bea platform-specific task). On GNU/Linux look at the file/etc/ It contains pathnames of the directorieswhere dynamic libraries are stored. Add (as root) your directoryto this file and run ldconfig -v. Now the librariesshould be in the list. If you're not root you may tryto adjust the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATHto include the required pathname.

For some versions of Motif, the ``soname' (whichidentifies the version of the library and is storedsomewhere in the library) on your computer doesn't matchthe soname of the library on the computer where your copyof Grace was compiled on. Then you should use a(semi)statically linked version or compile Grace on yourcomputer.

This means that Grace made an incorrect access to an Xlibrary. This is most probably not Grace's fault. Probably anot-yet-correctly-implemented LessTif function (see questionM*tif) caused this behaviour. If youuse LessTif, try to get the latest version (see questionM*tif). If this error persists,report it as a bug (question Bug Reports).

Detect whether you are using a version linked againstLessTif. 'xmgrace -version' and 'ldd xmgrace' are useful commands for this purpose.

If you are using LessTif, read the according FAQM*tif else report it as a bug(Bug Reports).

Get the XKeySymDB file from the X11R6 distribution. Put itsomewhere where you can access it and set the XKEYSYMDBenvironment variable to'/place/where/you/put/XKeysymDB'. See questionEnvironment Variables on howto set environment variables.

This is a known bug of Motif implementation on Solaris2.5.1 (both Sparc and Intel hardware). Ask your vendor for a patch.

You have probably tried to run Grace without installing it,just after compilation. You got the following message :

Grace uses either the GRACE_HOME environment variableor a compiled in default path to find the font database. Ifthe variable is not set and you have not installed thedatabase with make install it cannot find it. If youwant to test Grace before installing it, you should set theenvironment variable to the distribution directory (the onewhere the file configure lies), this is what thedotest script does when you run make check. Theeasiest thing to do however is to install everything withmake install. See question Environment Variables on how to set environmentvariables.

If you get this message after installing a prebuilt package,then you have either forgotten to download the platform-independentpart of the installation (named like grace-x.y.zz.common.tar.gz) ornot set the GRACE_HOME environment variable, see a few lines above.

This is a known bug in Motif-2.1. Most vendors have fixed it in theirports and/or have a patch ready, but not all, a notable exception beingMotif libraries shipped by Red Hat for GNU/Linux for Intel hardware(versions 6.*). Grace has a workaround for this bug. In order to enableit, add the following lines to the X resources:

It should be exactly the size of the hardcopy (A4/US letter). Ifnot, check your X server settings (run `xdpyinfo' and watch the'dimensions:' line; check the numbers with a ruler).

Are you using OpenMotif 2.2 (see Help/About)? It's known to behavewrongly with several locale settings. Try setting the shell variableLANG to a safe value, e.g. 'C'. The bug is known and fixed(bug #1257). Nag your vendor to apply the patch.

It happens with OpenMotif 2.2 and some locale settings. See theprevious entry for a remedy.

This happens when a Unicode font is picked by the X/Motif and, for areason, is treated as a wchar one (so you see one 'square' glyph forevery two chars). Try different font settings; for starters, run

FC4 uses a BETA version of OpenMotif 2.3 (see Help/About). The bug isknown and fixed(bug #1331). Ask Fedora folks to apply the patch.

A project is a file which contains all information necessaryto restore a plot created by Grace.

A parameter file contains informations about settings. Everybatch command of Grace is a valid line in a parameterfile. A parameter file is essentially a project file withoutsets in a slightly different format (i.e. without leading@s).

You can read in several kinds of files where data isarranged in columns separated by spaces or tabs. Lines beginnigwith '#' are ignored.

The option Read Block Data can be used to read in fileswhere the values are organized in columns. Youcan interactively select the type of set to be created andwhich columns should be used. Refer to the User's Guide(question User's Guide) for details.

Strictly speaking, it's not a data format. Rather, you may wantto use the relevant command line switch to read in a block datafile and automatically assign the data columns to sets of the XYtype so that the first column of the block data is used as Xfor all the sets and the rest of the data columns are assigned to Y's.Refer to the User's Guide(question User's Guide) for details.

The Julian Date, not to be confused with the Juliancalendar, is a format to represent the time in a singlenumber. Julian Date 0 is a day way in the past, namely the1st January 4713 before Christ (don't ask me why). Thefollowing days are numbered sequentially, each day startingat noon.This numbering scheme is in wide use, especially inastronomy, and is used for the internal representation ofdates in Grace. Some further explanations are given onthis page.

The convcal utility in $GRACE_HOME/auxiliary/ canbe used for about any to Julian date convertion.

There are three ways to invoke Grace. The full-featuredGUI-based version is called xmgrace. A batch-printingversion is called gracebat (see question Gracebat). A command-line interface modeis called grace.

All three of them are usually located in $GRACE_HOME/bin/.

gracebat is simply a copy of Grace named gracebator a symbolic link from gracebat to Grace. In the caseof the symbolic link:

ln -s xmgrace gracebat

done wherever the Grace binary is located will do the trick(rehash or logout and login to make sure that gracebatshows up in your path). Executing gracebat with nocommand line parameters or data files will produce ahardcopy on the default printer.

There are several ways: the init files, X Resources, andenvironment (shell) variables. Please refer to theUser's Guide (question User Guide)for details.

There are few, the most important being GRACE_HOME.It specifies the directory where the Grace files (fonts,docs, libs, ...) are stored. Default is /usr/local/grace.

You can set environment variables using (e.g.):

export GRACE_HOME='/usr/local/grace'

in bash and sh or

setenv GRACE_HOME '/usr/local/grace'

in tcsh and csh.

Please refer to the User's Guide(question User Guide)for description of all relevant variables.

Quite a few. You can display them with xmgrace -help.

Or check for the man page xmgrace(1). However it maynot always be up-to-date.

As with any X application, use the '-bg -fg ' command line flags. Or, define therelevant X resources:

The standard set is the regular (x,y) set, but there areothers including error bars or descriptive strings. See theUser's Guide (question User's Guide)for details.

Use two overlaying graphs, one with a scale on theleft(bottom), the other one on the right (top). Thus youcan achieve the desired effect, but you'll need to payclose attention to which graph is the 'current'graph. This is also how to display a second scale on thetop (right) side of the graph.

The support for polar plots is currently beingimplemented, so you can expect polar plots to worksoon. The polar coordinates can be selected from the'Plot/Graph Appearance' menu. Please refer tothe User's Guide (question User Guide)for details.

Yes, Grace has all these features. Wherever you can type atext in Grace, e.g. Axis labels, graph title, text fromPlot->Drawing objects, etc., you can use all thosefeatures within the same text. Please refer to the UserGuide (question User's Guide) fordetails.

If you asked this question, then you are probably familiar withthe issue of keymap modifying in X. Once you configured the keymapping (with the use of xmodmap), you can enter theextended characters from the keyboard in any text input field. If,in addition, the appropriate for your language font encoding isanything but ISO Latin1 (used in most Western Europe countries),you'll have to tell Grace so. See thenext question.

Yes. Starting with version 5.0.1, you can use your ownfonts, in addition to the standard 14 fonts whichinclude Times-Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Symbols and ZapfDingbats and come with Grace, and as a replacement for thedefault fonts (for the purporse of localization). As well,an alternative encoding scheme can be specified.

Please refer to the User's Guide(question User's Guide) for details.

By default, numbers are saved with eight valid digits. Toset your own precision, use the command

DEFAULT SFORMAT formatstring

in an init resource file (see question Customization) with formatstring being in theprintf(3) format.

As well, you can set the precision on a per-project basis. When yousave a project for the first time (or use 'File/Save as'), there isa relevant 'Data format' field in the popup you are presented with.

For time plots, the default precision may be insufficient. See theprevious question on how to alter it.

From Xmgr-4.1.2 on, each project file starts with a stringgiving the version number by which is was saved. Thesefiles should cause no problems. You can modify older filesby inserting a version line at the beginning. For example,@VERSION 40102 stands for version 4.1.2. If you have noidea what version of Xmgr your file was created with, try some.In most cases, 40102 would do the trick. Also, make sure to readthe 'Xmgr to Grace migration' section of the User's Guide(question User's Guide).

In Xmgr-4.1.0, support for the binary file format (theformer default one) was dropped. You must use thegrconvert utility supplied with the Gracedistribution in order to convert the files. This caneasily be achieved defining an input filter like in thegracerc sample file which comes with Grace.

Make sure you added a valid @VERSION versionid line to thebeginning of the file.

Yes. You can use your favorite compression program(e.g. `gzip') as input or output filter so that files ondisk are automagically (de)compressed. Just add the lines

DEFINE IFILTER 'gzip -dc %s' PATTERN '*.gz'


DEFINE OFILTER 'gzip - > %s' PATTERN '*.gz'

into your personal grace init file. Then, everytime youspecify a file name that ends with .gz, gzip is usedas input and output filters. You can use this mechanism todo other things, e.g. reading and storing files into adatabase.

Well, not yet. The import of images will be implementedin a future release.

PostScript (for printing), EPS (encapsulatedPostScript; for the inclusion of graphics into e.g. LaTeXdocuments), PNM (PBM/PGM/PPM), MIF (for inclusion inFrameMaker) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)are implemented by default.

Additionally, if some extra libraries are installed, listed in theUser's Guide (question User's Guide),the JPEG, PNG, and PDF backends will be built as well.

You can get various other formats using netpbm and pstoedit.

Bitmaps: Using the PNM device + the netpbm utils(available at e.g. one can getTIFF, GIF, G3, BMP, PCX,... (conversion can be done onthe fly with appropriate filter definitions).

Notice that the direct support of the GIF format is impossibledue to the copyright policy of Unisys - it's not a technicalproblem. In fact it was supported in earlier versions butto avoid any legal problems this feature has been removed.

One can use pstoeditto convert PS to a lot of other vector formats: MIF, CGM,xfig's, tgif's, Windoze and OS/2 metafiles,... even Javaapplets!

Region operations have no meaning by themselves. Regions arerestriction conditions applied to data set(s) which atransformation is performed on. For example, to kill data points ina region, use 'Evaluate expression', select same source and destset(s), leave the 'formula' field empty, select your region in the'Restriction' menu, check 'Negated'.

You can use several date/time formats in input data files.Make sure, however, that the time fields don't contain spaceseparators inside, e.g. 1999-12-31-23:59:59.5

Also, you can use an external program to convert the data into theJulian Date format, like the one (convcal)that is supplied with Grace.

This can be done using the 'Plot/Plot appearance' popup.

This changes the background of the entire canvas, not onlythe background of graphs.

You may edit your Default.agr file in$GRACE_HOME/templates. Just add lines similar to defining a RGBvalue and an according name for that color triplet. Please noticethat altering colors 0 (white) and 1 (black) is strongly discouraged.

Xmgrace Mac

A named pipe is a pseudo file to which one applicationwrites data which another one reads from it.

Applications like measurement programs can write data to apipe and make it thus available to Grace which reads fromthe pipe. So Grace can serve as data displayer for otherwisenon-graphical programs.

Refer to the User's Guide (question User's Guide) or the tutorials (question Tutorials) for further information.

One example for using pipes is included in the `maketests' slide show.

Start Grace with -pexec 'G0 OFF' or load a parameter file withthe above command.

LaTeX does not do hard clipping of EPS files unless instructed to doso. Use includegraphics*{filename} and NOTincludegraphics{filename} (package graphics) orincludegraphics[clip]{filename} (package graphicx). Ifusing the epsf package, remember to include the epsfcliponflag (but note that the epsf package is obsolet and buggyand not maintained by the LaTeX team and in general should not beused).

The erasing comes about because Grace fills the background with thepage size and not the bbox size. The background filling can bedisabled from the 'Plot/Plot appearance' popup.

By default, the PS driver uses Level 2 features, while yourprinter may not be PostScript Level 2 compliant. You can forcethe use of PS Level 1 only features in the PostScript device setup,though output may be not exactly as expected (there will be nopattern fills, for example).

Select the correct paper size in the Device setuppopup.

You can also try the command psresize from thepsutils package in order toresize a Postscript file generated by Grace.

You're using a localized version of OS. You have either LANG orLC_NUMERIC shell variables set, so Grace uses the locale setting toproduce numeric labels. Set at least LC_NUMERIC to C or POSIX todisable this behaviour. Notice that there is nothing specific toGrace about locale. Either you want the localization or not. Settingby default LANG to anything but C/POSIX assumes you do.

In 'Plot/Axis props', enable logarithmic axis scaling, then go tothe 'Tick labels' tab of this dialog, find the 'Axis transform'input field in the 'Extra' frame, and enter there '10*log10(10*$t)'(w/o quotes, of course).

Install Xmgrace Ubuntu Windows 10

If you find some columns are too narrow to show all significantdigits, you can drag the vertical rules using Shift+Button 2.

The -param flag and its argument should be placed on thecommand line after the data filenames. Alternatively,disable the autoscale with -autoscale none - butbefore your data is read in.

Use 'Create new->By formula' from any set selector popup menu.

Template is just an empty (in the sense that there are no data sets)but otherwise a valid project file. So just put your favoritetemplate's filename as the first argument on the command line. Ifyour script creates several plots, use 'new from 'filename' toinitialize a new project from the non-default template.

A part of them are saved with the project; most of the rest areavailable via command-line options and/or X resources. A morehomogeneous approach will be implemented in a future version.

Enlarge 'Max drawing path length' in Edit/Preferences. Also, considerwhether you really need that huge number of points drawn connectedby line?

Install Xmgrace Ubuntu Download

It is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, based on LMDIF fromMINPACK, with some modifications.

Lots. Almost every mouseclick in the GUI has an equivalentin the batch language. See the User's Guide (question User's Guide) for details.

Currently not at all. This will be implemented in a laterrelease.

Example - make a batch file with the following commands:

This assumes that your original curve is in set s0 and thatyou want to make 100 iterations.

nonlfit() doesn't produce any plots by itself. It onlyfits. I.e., at this point, you can use the fittedvalues A0, A1, A2...:

Plot a set, e.g.:

Use for another fit as the initial values, or just ECHO them(to stdout) with ECHO A0.

Install Xmgrace Ubuntu 16.04

No, but you can do something like this (given the set type wasproperly defined):

Not yet. Although it would be nice to have such afunction, it is quite hard to implement. We can only ask youto be careful with certain actions and remember to saveoften and early (TM).

No. Not yet, I should say. Be patient. It may take quite awhile to implement it, though.

Among the many features planned to be introduced in thefuture are enhancing the spreadsheet-like frontend for datasetoperations, contour plots, many-level undo/redo, image import andmanipulations, a library for 2-way communication, ... Then 3D plotswould come :-)

Probably. If you have an idea for improvement, post it as a wish tothe w3todo web page (see question Known Bugs).

You are not required to, but you if wish, refer to the home page link(see Grace home page).

broken image